Kamis, 16 September 2010

Skripsi Gyrocopter

Gyrocopter Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
Showing version                 6.68c
Pseudonyms                      Aurel Vlaicu
Affiliation                     Sentinel
Class                           Ranged, AGI
Damage    41-51  MP/HP
Armor    1  HP/MP regen
Attack Range   375   Attack animation  0.2/0.97
Strength   18   Casting time      0.3/0.5
Agility   24   Base Attack time  1.7
Intelligence   23   Missile speed     3000
Movespeed  305  Sight range       1800/800

Information at a Glance

to be added…

Character Story

Raised amongst the dwarven mining clan, Aurel grew up with a fascination for making things explode. Such tendencies were considered healthy in the mining society as a dwarf’s skill with explosives determined his pay, his rank and of course, his popularity amongst the females. Unlike the rest of the clan however, Aurel sought to use his skills for more than just blowing up rocks. By combining controlled detonations with thick metal to direct their force, Aurel is able to create everything from engines to missles. Excited to be able to put his inventions to the test, Aurel’s presence on the battlefield promises to be a blast!

Rocket Barrage

Gyrocopter unleashes a massive salvo of rockets, striking random units in a 400 aoe. Fires 30 rockets over 3 seconds.
Rocket Barrage Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
Level 1 – 10 damage per rocket.
Level 2 – 12 damage per rocket.
Level 3 – 14 damage per rocket.
Level 4 – 16 damage per rocket.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds.
Manacost: 90.

Homing Missile

The Gyrocopter launches a homing missile that will follow the target until it impacts. The missile is inactive for 3 seconds upon launch and then begins slowly accelerating towards the target. Stuns the target for 2.5 seconds and deals damage based on how much it traveled. The missle can be destroyed by 3 attacks from a hero or tower.
Homing Missile Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
Level 1 – Up to 100 damage.
Level 2 – Up to 200 damage.
Level 3 – Up to 300 damage.
Level 4 – Up to 400 damage.
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds.
Manacost: 120/130/140/150

Flak Cannon

The Gyrocopter enables all of its cannons, allowing its attacks to strike all enemies in a 800 aoe. Lasts for a limited number of attacks or 15 seconds. Does not work with illusions.
Flak Cannon Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
Level 1 – 3 Attacks.
Level 2 – 4 Attacks.
Level 3 – 5 Attacks.
Level 4 – 6 Attacks.
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Manacost: 50.
Obr effects do not stack

Call Down

The Gyrocopter launches two missiles at the targeted area. The first missile strikes in 2 seconds, followed by the second missile at 4 seconds. Enemies in the area when a missile strikes are damaged and slowed.
Call Down Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
Level 1 – 250 damage followed by 100 damage.
Level 2 – 300 damage followed by 150 damage.
Level 3 – 350 damage followed by 200 damage.
Cooldown: 55/50/45 seconds.
Manacost: 125.

Skill Builds

Here is the recommended skill build:
1. Homo Missle
2. Flak Cannon
3. Rocket Barrage
4. Homo Missle
5. Homo Missle
6. Duh…Call Down
7. Homo Missle
8. Rocket Barrage
9. Flak Cannon
10. Rocket Barrage
11. Another duh…Call Down
12. Flak Cannon
13. Rocket Barrage
14. Flak Cannon
15. Stats
16. Yet another duh…Call Down
17.-25. Guess what?!
Skill Build Justification:
Q: why do you recommend leveling up Homo Missle first?
A: Because you will initiate with Homing Missle and you need as much damage as you can get on this superduper imba skill. Oh, I also forgot to mention that this gayhomo missle has a 2,5 sec stun which is great, but considering it takes 3 seconds untill the missle starts moving, 2,5 sec stun is not so high, right?
Q: Is getting stats early game a good idea?
A: A good idea?! Are you out of your mind? Getting Vladimirs on Sniper sounds like a better idea to me. Seriously, you need your skills to kill heroes and Bottle will cover up your HP and mana. Leave stats for later.
Q: Shall I go solo or with a partner in lane?
A: Real man go solo. But assuming you’re a female, go with a partner. You women need partners, we men DON’T! You also have to ge….wait a second, my wife is on the phone.

Item Build

Fight for a solo lane. You need to be the highest level on the battlefield in order to unleash your full potential early game which means you need to struggle alone, eye to eye with the opponent’s hero. If you play a pub game, copy „I go solo mid“ and share it with your allies by pasting it as soon as the game starts. If someone from your team ignores your wish to go solo lane and joins you in the middle, say: „I solo mid or leave“. This works in 99% cases. Unfortunately, in the other 1% cases you’ll just have to leave…
Now that we cleared that up, lets talk about starting items. If you are going solo mid then buying Bottle is the one and only option (a MUST have for a ganker like Gyrocopter):
37 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
If you’re female and can’t stand fighting solo (meh) buy this crap:
34 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 54 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 35 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 31 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
Getting the right boots:
111 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 105 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
You’re probably asking yourself now; „I’m in a damn gyrocopter, why the fuck do I need boots?“. That’s why nature gave us logic. But let me tell you something, there is no logic in DotA, not at all. You’re probably asking yourself another question; „where are Boots of Travel and Phase Boots?“. You can find them both in the Gateway Relics shop. Just kiddin’. Boots of Travel are too expensive and Phase Boots may not be a bad choice but getting Treads or Arcane Boots is always a better choice. If you need extra attributes (agi, int or str) and a little higher attack speed, get Power Treads. If you want to solve your mana problems (throughout the whole game, I dare to say) get Arcane Boots. It’s as simple as that.
Now we’ll discuss about the items that should provide you with killing ability and the ability to stay good all game long. Gyrocopter is pretty much item-independent early game but like I already mentioned a few times before, you need the right items to be useful mid-game and/or late-game. This means you can own early on with just Boots and Bottle but sooner or later you’ll need more useful items. Like always, items are a matter of choice and gamestyle.
Lets start from some cheap but great items that work on Gyro:
68 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu Provides with lifesteal and +20 dmg (no shit Sherlock?!). +5 armor is a another great thing for fragile heroes.
23 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu Brilliant item for Aurel! Homo Missle can be cast from 1000 range and it takes 3 sec to start moving which gives you the opportunity to use this item in the meantime and surprise your puny enemy hero. Also ensures a great escape mechanism to keep your Beyond Godlike streak from early-game.
151 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu OMG FoRcE St4fF?! Who the fuck uses this forgotten item, right? Well guess what, this is actually a damn good item for Gyrocopter. It will provide you with some bonus attack speed, intelligence and damage – exactly what this hero needs! Plus, you can use the ‘Force’ ability to irritate your allies when they try teleporting from one place to another. No you can’t, ‘Force’ doesn’t interrupt the target’s actions. Use this ability wisely!
241 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu Homo Missle from fog–>stun–>blink in with dagger–>barrage–>ulti–>ggownednoob
You can also use it to escape. Ya, rly.
76 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu Poor Man’s Shield – an item invented by Bill Gates. Sometimes it’s useful, sometimes it’s useless. Just like Microsoft!
55 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu A MUST have if you are going with a partner in lane.

Luxurious items:

Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu I love seeing Gyrocopter on the battlefield. Imagine 3 of them
Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu Have you ever felt slow, tired and exhausted? Are you sick of all these cheap items they sell every day at shops near fountains? We have a solution now! Grab a phone and you will get: agility, damage, attack speed – for ONLY 6000 gold! Call now 1337 – 1337 – 69! First 100 customers will get +30% evasion entirely free! This offer lasts only 24 hours a day so hurry up!
521 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu More then one dangerous caster in the enemy’s team? Go for this item without hesitation!
70 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu There are only 2 situations where you’ll get the opportunity to buy this item;
1. You’re playing an ”-apemso 5v5 noobs only pls!” and showing off your imba skills. Within 15 minutes you already have all the items you need and you’re saving up your gold to buy Rapier. Omg you’re so Pr0!
2. You’re playing vs AI bots with –gold 10…0 or whosyourdaddy.

Situational items:

19 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu A lot of enemy casters. They are pain in the ass, I know. NOT anymore!
29 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu You need HP badly. Perhaps a lot of meeles trying to counter you.
Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu When there’s a fast motherfucker in the enemy’s team (perhaps Chaos Knight) and your stun is not enough to slow the bitch down.

Examples of item builds:

Like I said bilions of times, skill-builds and item-builds are only a matter of choice and you should buy items that suit your playstyle the best. However, I’ll give you some of my favorite item-builds for Gyro;
105 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 37 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
68 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 6 
Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
521 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 12 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
111 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 55 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
151 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 23 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu
521 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu 76 Gyrocopter   Aurel Vlaicu

How to play

Early Game

This is where you have to shine my fellow buddy. With Boots and Bottle you are ready to roam around the map and kill enemy heroes, you are ready to enjoy your killing streaks. Land your combos properly and gather as many exp and gold as you can. Release your full potential and show the world your skills. Don’t be afraid to fight! In this early phase of game you can kill anyone! I mean it, anyone!

Mid Game

You are slowly turning into a semi-carry and your skills are not as effective as they were in early game. You’ll notice it. However, you should already have atleast 6-7 kills and enough gold to afford buying some expensive items. Your best time is behind you and you have to be very careful not to die or feed. Help your allies in battles, deal a lot of damage, but don’t forget to farm! In this state of game you’re 50% ganker and 50% semi-carry. However, you should still be feared! Why? Because you owned early on, right?

Late Game

Don’t let this phase happen, that’s your primary goal. Try finishing it before late game because you’ll probably be the most useless player in your team. Your skills are really not that effective anymore and you’re becoming 100% semi-carry. Your ganking potential is the lowest in late-game so be wise and careful if you still want to gank. Finish it!

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