Kamis, 16 September 2010

Skripsi Mirana nightshade

PriestessOfTheMoon Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Showing Version 6.67c
Pseudonyms Mirana Nightshade
Affiliation Sentinel
Class Ranged, AGI
Damage    38-49  MP/HP
Armor    1.9  HP/MP regen
Attack Range   600   Attack animation  0.3/0.7
Strength   17   Casting time      0.5/0.83
Agility   20   Base Attack time  1.7
Intelligence   17   Missile speed     900
    Sight range       1800/1200

Information at a Glance

to be added…

Character Story

A matriarch and high priestess of Elune’s blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield. In times of need however, she can fade herself and others around her into the safety of invisibility, making her a potent supporter matched by few.


Calls down a wave of meteors to damage each nearby enemy. One random enemy unit within 200 aoe will get hit again for half the damage.
Starfall Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Level 1 – 75 damage per wave.
Level 2 – 150 damage per wave.
Level 3 – 225 damage per wave.
Level 4 – 300 damage per wave.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.

Elune’s Arrow

Fires an arrow to a location with deadly precision, dealing large damage and stunning the first unit it strikes. Stun duration increases based on how far the target is, ranging from 0.5 to 5 seconds.
Elunes Arrow Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Level 1 – Deals 90 damage.
Level 2 – Deals 180 damage.
Level 3 – Deals 270 damage.
Level 4 – Deals 360 damage.
Cooldown: 25 seconds.


Mirana’s wild Frostsaber leaps forward into battle, empowering allies with a ferocious roar upon landing. Movement and Attack Speed bonus lasts 10 seconds.
Leap Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Level 1 – 630 range. 4% speed increase.
Level 2 – 690 range. 8% speed increase.
Level 3 – 780 range. 12% speed increase.
Level 4 – 840 range. 16% speed increase.
Cooldown: 40/35/30/20 seconds.

Moonlight Shadow

Turns Nightshade and all allied heroes invisible. If Invisiblity is broken, it gets restored after the fade time during the shadow duration.
Moonlight Shadow Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Level 1 – Lasts 7 seconds. 2.5 second fade time.
Level 2 – Lasts 9 seconds. 2 second fade time.
Level 3 – Lasts 11 seconds. 1.5 second fade time.
Cooldown: 160 seconds.
Cooldown: 175.

Skill Builds

Here is the recommended skill build:
1 – Elune’s Arrow 1 / Leap 1
2 – Leap 1 / Elune’s Arrow 1
3 – Starfall 1
4 – Starfall 2
5 – Starfall 3
6 – Elune’s Arrow 2
7 – Starfall 4
8 – Elune’s Arrow 3
9 – Elune’s Arrow 4
10 – Moonlight Shadow 1
11 – Moonlight Shadow 2
12 – Leap 2
13 – Leap 3
14 – Leap 4
15 – Stats
16 – Moonlight Shadow 3
17 – Stats
18 – Stats
19 – Stats
20 – Stats
21 – Stats
22 – Stats
23 – Stats
24 – Stats
25 – Stats
Skill Build Justification:
Elune’s Arrow and Leap for the first two levels. The choice of which one to go for first is entirely yours. You should get Elune’s Arrow if you think your team will try an early gank or Leap if you’re trying to escape an early gank attempt. I usually go with Elune’s Arrow but hey, it’s your choice.
Next you want to maximize Starfall. The reason why you want to maximize Starfall before Elune’s Arrow, is because Starfall is a much more reliable skill then Elune’s Arrow. You can’t really miss Starfall. Besides Elune’s Arrow’s stun stays the same at all levels, so level 1 is fine for you.
At level 9 you should’ve maxed out both Starfall and Elune’s Arrow, because, as the game goes on, the less effective your nuke’s damage is.
Next two points at your ultimate, you don’t want your ultimate earlier because you won’t really have the mana required to use it, since you’ll be ganking all the time.
Following then max out Leap. If you feel you need it, you can trade Leap for Stats, although I really think Leap is superior.
Same thing for your ultimate, if you feel you need the extra stats go ahead and take them instead of Moonlight Shadow.

Item Build

Early Game Item Build

54 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 54 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 54 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 8 
Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 35 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 34 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
54 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 54 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 54 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 8 
Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 35 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 32 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Slippers can be upgraded later on, branches for cheap stats, Magic Stick for burst healing. If no one buys a courier, you can buy one yourself, in my opinion it’s worth it.

Core Build

56 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 14 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 55 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 37 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 11 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade OR 511 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 12 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Bottle for the hp and mana regen you will need for all your ganking, wand for the cheap stats and the burst healing, Diffusal because it greatly increases Mirana’s ganking potential, Wraith if you feel you need that extra – HP, Mana and damage improvement. And for the boots, I’d say travel if you’re playing more like a supporter late-game and treads for a semi-carry. If the game goes on for too long Treads could also de traded for Travel.


41 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Manta Style is a great item for Mirana, it synergizes very well with your stun and diffusal’s purge: three Mirana’s smacking a stunned/purged opponent. Yasha comes in nice small pieces, which can be assembled without great difficulty. Ultimate Orb on the other hand need a somewhat solid 2100 gold.
61 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade The Butterfly is a good item in any Agi DPS hero, Mirana is no exception. Other then the damage and attack speed, it also provides a nice 30% evasion, which will give you more survivability. The downside is that Eaglehorn is a really expensive item.
 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Cuirass is a great item if you need survivability and some DPS. It will provide you with damage, attack speed and armor. Best of all, it also helps your allies and penalizes your enemies. Downside is that it’s really expensive. Get it when you feel your team will benefit the most of it and when you need more survivability.
651 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade 631 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Pure damage items, they should be considered when you feel you can’t survive long enough in battle. Between the two of them I like MKB better, especially against heroes with evasion (Mortred, Butterfly carriers).
66 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Tarrasque gives you lots of HP. Personally, I don’t like this item a lot for Mirana. But, if you’re getting smacked by your opponents even after getting other survivability items, go ahead and grab it.


50 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Malevolence is also a viable choice for a semi-carrier. It increases your damage output and solves all your mana problems, and has the nice Soul Burn skill. Personally not my favorite for the semi-carry Mirana, because it doesn’t provide with any HP and there are better damage items. But if you think your mana just isn’t enough, or the disablers aren’t doing their job correctly go ahead.
47 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Guinsoo is an excellent support item. 3.5 seconds of pure smacking can make all difference. This item is so powerful that in some leagues having more then one or two in a team is prohibited by the rules. Besides, it solves all your mana problems.
53 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Shivas gives you a great AoE nuke, and a passive attack speed slowing aura, and it still gives you some armor.
43 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Pipe is one of the best support items in the game. This item is so powerful that it’s being completely BANNED on some leagues. Get it when your team needs to block some spell damage.

Alternative Orbs

78 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade and later 27 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade
Maelstrom and Mjolnir provide a good DPS addition and a nice AoE damage for team battles, besides it help farming a lot. Note that Maelstrom and Mjolnir are particularly effective against illusions, so it’s a viable choice against hardcore late-game illusion based heroes like Phantom Lancer and Terrorblade.
28 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Desolator gives you huge amounts of damage. Period. Get this if you feel your team needs the Corruption orb and that you’re playing a semi-carry Mirana.
21 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Skadi gives a nice boost to your attributes, and a really cool orb effect, which will make escaping a lot harder for your enemies. Can be combined with Mjolnir, since Skadi is only a buff placer for ranged heroes.
16 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade S&Y gives you damage, HP and a Greater Maim… I’d say it’s a good Orb but not really the best one on Mirana… And besides the movement speed bonus doesn’t stack with the one on Manta.

Survivability Items

52 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade Linkens is a pretty good item on Mirana, giving you HP and mana plus HP regen and mana regen, and the awesome skill of blocking most single targeted nukes. Get this if you’re getting chain-stunned and just can’t Leap out of the situation.
19 Priestess of the Moon   Mirana Nightshade BKB is a must if you’re aiming for semi-carrying. Providing you 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds of magic immunity while you dash damage is pretty damn good.

How to play

Early Game

The game begins and you picked/randomed PotM. First thing is choosing your lane. Mirana is a pretty good solo hero, but if there are any better heroes for the job (Tinker, Shadow fiend), you should leave the solo lane for them. Try harassing your enemies with normal attacks on the first few levels. At level three you are already able of killing someone. If the opportunity appears throw and arrow, and try killing them. The best time to do this is when your creeps just ended killing their creeps. If you’re laned with a disabler wait for him to stun first, so you have 100% chance of hitting with your arrow. This, of course, will require some communication. Try last-hitting and denying until level 6-7. Until then you should have at least your Wand and Boots or Bottle. Your choice, I usually go with Bottle first, since you have leap you can keep up to your enemies but hey, your choice. At this point you should look for good ganking opportunities without wasting too much time without farming. Mirana is somewhat item-dependent late-game so try roaming as shortly as possible. But don’t just stay AFK-farming either, as the game goes one your 2 damage skills lose their effectiveness.

Mid Game

Almost the same as Early Game, try keep a balance between farming and ganking. If you see some allies are getting ganked don’t hesitate on using Moonlight Shadow. Somewhere in this stage you should complete or almost complete your core. At this point, you can use use Starfall from times to times to farm and push.

Late Game

At this point of the game you should simply accompany your team in pushes or team battles. Use Moonlight Shadow for positioning or fleeing. Try keeping some distance and not getting to much attention. If your team is winning and you see some fleeing enemies, feel free to leap in and snatch a kill. Spam Starfall to farm and push, but in a much intensive way then in middle game. Especially if you went for a support build and now have lots of mana and mana regen.

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