Selasa, 30 November 2010
Medusa Guide
Well, this is our second guide. We believe people enjoyed, loved and approved our first guide (Stay Cool, Shadow Priest Guide); judging by the response, feedbacks and comments we got and in a way it has made us attempt this feat again.
Those who have gone through other guides to refine their gameplay or for quick suggestions for improvement of the same will know that there is a dearth of a comprehensive, yet easy-to-comprehend guide on Medusa. It is this lack that has propelled us into writing this, what we consider, a much needed guide on Gorgon
We both, Andre and StarBreaKeR~, are former clan-mates and hence have played numerous games together in our college LAN and on Garena alike. And though, in the recent past this has become a bit complicated due to un-forseen circumstances, we hope to play once again in the near future. At present, after much fussing and debating, we have actually found time to take this step. [Andre from Hong KongNow back to India ;) and StarBreaKeR~ from India.]
Skripsi Hero
Senin, 29 November 2010
LoveYueru's Complete Guide to Nevermore, the Shadow Fiend
Forum Version Here
Big Thank You to Sieno小白 @ For this Image! Nicely done!
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Read the Chinese Translation Here ^_^
(Big Thank You to tel861394 for his brilliant translation!)
(Big Thank You to tel861394 for his brilliant translation!)
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Read the Russian Translation Here (BIG THANK YOU to operki for his fantastic translation!)
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Read the Indonesian Translation Here (Huge Thanks to NdRuw for his translation! Nicely done!
Disclaimer: I'm not related to Days)Yueru. He doesn't deserve Yueru anyway!
This guide is dedicated to Clan fRs (ferals). You guys are the best!
As a keen DotA player for over three years, I have played countless games, pub or IH (inhouse) and it is rather sad that I must now say goodbye to DotA. Now that I’m officially retired from the game, I can finally draw from my experiences and write a more-or-less ‘complete’ guide on Nevermore, my favourite (and to some extent the best) hero of all time. This guide, I believe, will help everyone, from beginners who want to know more about this game to experienced players who are already playing clan wars. This guide will be split into 3 parts (well, actually 4), because it is quite long, but hopefully you’ll get through...but before I start, here's something for those of you who have never seen Nevermore at his finest...or those of you who still think that a 50 minute free-farm Medusa is actually what DotA really is!
Skripsi Hero
Sabtu, 27 November 2010
Icon Item DOTA
Karena itemn iconnya tidak muncul pada post sebelumnya jadi ini iconnya baca ya^_^
Skripsi Hero invoker
ta.comTable of Contents1. Introduction
2. The Invoker
3. Hero Statistics
4. Skills
13. Replays
14. Videos
16. Credits
17. Changelog
There are three main reasons why I choose to write and maintain this guide. The first is common to all guides: I like this hero and want to share my opinions about him. The second reason is that there is a lot of dispute about how Invoker is best played. Though there is always some build that is popularly held up as “the best,” this way of thinking limits Invoker players. My intent here is to try to break some people away from this viewpoint. The third reason is to generate new interest in the Invoker. He is great fun to play, but can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with the techniques required to excel with him. I hope to demonstrate just how enjoyable he can be and help new players find a strategy that suits them.
This guide deviates from the usual format. I do have some of the basics, such as sections describing the hero, the skills, items and demonstrative replays. However, rather than covering a single strategy and holding it up as The One, I am going to go over each and every trick, build and maneuver I have ever seen or performed with Invoker. It is up to you to decide which of these tools you prefer and generate an appropriate strategy. I don’t expect you to read the entire guide from start to finish, so I have repeated myself a few times about important details. I hope you can forgive me this redundancy, but it is necessary to ensure that people remember those points.
Since this guide is longer than usual I have broken up the table of contents, placing most of the subtopics into mini-tables throughout the guide. To jump to a topic click on the link in the table, and to return to the topic's parent click on a topic header. Trying to use your browser's find feature will not be efficient.
The Invoker
So for those of you who may not have ever played him, the Invoker is a hero with completely unique style of play from any other. The skills he levels, which I shall call reagents, max out at level 7. Invoke, his “ultimate,” can reach level 4. The Invoker’s actual spells are “invoked” by casting his ultimate, which generates a spell from these reagents. There are ten different spells that can be wielded. With all these varied abilities the Invoker has arguably the most complex gameplay of any hero in DotA.
2. The Invoker
3. Hero Statistics
4. Skills
a. Overview5. Spells
b. Quas
c. Wex
d. Exort
e. Invoke
a. Overview6. Tactics
b. Cold Snap
c. Ghost Walk
d. Ice Wall
e. Tornado
f. EMP
g. Alacrity
h. Forge Spirits
i. Chaos Meteor
j. Sunstrike
k. Deafening Blast
a. Overview7. Overall Strategy
b. Maneuvers
c. Tricks
a. Overview8. Roles
b. Choose Your Role
c. Choose Your Build
d. Choose Your Items
a. Overview9. Builds
b. Support
c. Initiator
d. Push
e. Kill
f. Carry
a. Overview10. Items
b. Single Orb
c. Double Orb
d. Triple Orb
e. Variations
a. Core11. Advanced Gameplay
b. Luxury
c. Contraband
a. Shift-Queuing12. Countering Invoker
b. Shock and Awe
13. Replays
14. Videos
a. Cold Snap15. Conclusion
16. Credits
17. Changelog
There are three main reasons why I choose to write and maintain this guide. The first is common to all guides: I like this hero and want to share my opinions about him. The second reason is that there is a lot of dispute about how Invoker is best played. Though there is always some build that is popularly held up as “the best,” this way of thinking limits Invoker players. My intent here is to try to break some people away from this viewpoint. The third reason is to generate new interest in the Invoker. He is great fun to play, but can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with the techniques required to excel with him. I hope to demonstrate just how enjoyable he can be and help new players find a strategy that suits them.
This guide deviates from the usual format. I do have some of the basics, such as sections describing the hero, the skills, items and demonstrative replays. However, rather than covering a single strategy and holding it up as The One, I am going to go over each and every trick, build and maneuver I have ever seen or performed with Invoker. It is up to you to decide which of these tools you prefer and generate an appropriate strategy. I don’t expect you to read the entire guide from start to finish, so I have repeated myself a few times about important details. I hope you can forgive me this redundancy, but it is necessary to ensure that people remember those points.
Since this guide is longer than usual I have broken up the table of contents, placing most of the subtopics into mini-tables throughout the guide. To jump to a topic click on the link in the table, and to return to the topic's parent click on a topic header. Trying to use your browser's find feature will not be efficient.
The Invoker
So for those of you who may not have ever played him, the Invoker is a hero with completely unique style of play from any other. The skills he levels, which I shall call reagents, max out at level 7. Invoke, his “ultimate,” can reach level 4. The Invoker’s actual spells are “invoked” by casting his ultimate, which generates a spell from these reagents. There are ten different spells that can be wielded. With all these varied abilities the Invoker has arguably the most complex gameplay of any hero in DotA.
Skripsi Hero
Item dota awal 1#
Bought From:Cache of Quel-thelanA pair of magical gloves that seems to render weapons weightless
+15 Attack Speed
Buyable from Goblin Merchant
Item panduan di dota 1#
Bought From:ProtectorateForged in the depths of the river Styx, this hellish mail provides increased armor and attack speed.
+35 attack speed
+10 armor
Attack Speed Aura (passive)
Positive Armor Aura (passive)
Negative Armor Aura (passive, enemies)
+10 armor
Attack Speed Aura (passive)
Positive Armor Aura (passive)
Negative Armor Aura (passive, enemies)
Attack Speed Aura +20 attack speed
900 AoE
Positive Armor Aura +5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Does not stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering
Negative Armor Aura 5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
900 AoE
Positive Armor Aura +5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Does not stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering
Negative Armor Aura 5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
Assalamu alaikum warah matullahi wabarakaatuh.
Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera untuk kita semua.
Hari ini, Senin, 24 April 2010 kita keluarga besar SMPN 4 Martapura secara khusus memperingati Hari Keanekaragaman Hayati dan merayakan International Year for Biological Diversity, yang kita jadikan penandaan dan pengaktualisasian nilai-nilai rasa syukur atas nikmat yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT yang telah menciptakan makhluk-makhluk hidup yang secara seimbang dan berguna bagi kehidupan manusia secara keseluruhan. Selain itu kita jadikan pula sebagai upaya menumbuhkembangkan kecintaan seluruh penduduk bumi umumnya dan warga SMPN 4 Martapura khususnya terhadap keanekaragaman hayati atau biodiversitas.
Bapak & Ibu Staf Pengajar & Tata Usaha, Para siswa sekalian yang saya hormati.
Jika kita mengamati secara lebih cermat keadaan dimuka bumi saat ini, maka kita patut untuk gelisah. Betapa tidak, saat ini sudah mulai sulit menemukan pohon atau buah-buahan tertentu seperti Mundar, Karamunting, Kuranji, dll. Saat ini sudah semakin jarang kita melihat binatang yang dulu sangat banyak seperti kupu-kupu / rama-rama, kumbang silau, burung punai, burung karuang, kera bangkuy, bekantan, dll. Begitu juga ikan tertentu seperti papuyu, arwana, dll.
Pencemaran lingkungan by
Pencemaran Lingkungan
A. Macam – macam Pencemaran Lingkungan
Berdasarkan lingkungan yang mengalami pencemaran, secara garis besar pencemaran lingkungan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi pencemaran air, tanah, dan udara.
a. Pencemaran Air
Di dalam tata kehidupan manusia, air banyak memegang peranan penting antara lain untuk minum, memasak, mencuci dan mandi. Di samping itu air juga banyak diperlukan untuk mengairi sawah, ladang, industri, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tindakan manusia dalam pemenuhan kegiatan sehari-hari, secara tidak sengaja telah menambahjumlah bahan anorganik pada perairan dan mencemari air. Misalnya, pembuangan detergen ke perairan dapat berakibat buruk terhadap organisme yang ada di perairan. Pemupukan tanah persawahan atau ladang dengan pupuk buatan, kemudian masuk ke perairan akan menyebabkan pertumbuhan tumbuhan air yang tidak terkendali yang disebut eutrofikasi atau blooming. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan seperti alga, paku air, dan eceng gondok akan tumbuh subur dan menutupi permukaan perairan sehingga cahaya matahari tidak menembus sampai dasar perairan. Akibatnya, tumbuhan yang ada di bawah permukaan tidak dapat berfotosintesis sehingga kadar oksigen yang terlarut di dalam air menjadi berkurang.
A. Macam – macam Pencemaran Lingkungan
Berdasarkan lingkungan yang mengalami pencemaran, secara garis besar pencemaran lingkungan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi pencemaran air, tanah, dan udara.
a. Pencemaran Air
Di dalam tata kehidupan manusia, air banyak memegang peranan penting antara lain untuk minum, memasak, mencuci dan mandi. Di samping itu air juga banyak diperlukan untuk mengairi sawah, ladang, industri, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tindakan manusia dalam pemenuhan kegiatan sehari-hari, secara tidak sengaja telah menambahjumlah bahan anorganik pada perairan dan mencemari air. Misalnya, pembuangan detergen ke perairan dapat berakibat buruk terhadap organisme yang ada di perairan. Pemupukan tanah persawahan atau ladang dengan pupuk buatan, kemudian masuk ke perairan akan menyebabkan pertumbuhan tumbuhan air yang tidak terkendali yang disebut eutrofikasi atau blooming. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan seperti alga, paku air, dan eceng gondok akan tumbuh subur dan menutupi permukaan perairan sehingga cahaya matahari tidak menembus sampai dasar perairan. Akibatnya, tumbuhan yang ada di bawah permukaan tidak dapat berfotosintesis sehingga kadar oksigen yang terlarut di dalam air menjadi berkurang.
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